Bass, Simon, Special Children, Special Needs (2003) Church House PublishingBrock, Brian and Swinton, John (Eds), Disability in the Christian Tradition: A reader (2012), Grand Rapids
Eieisland, Nancy L., The Disabled God (1994) Abingdon Press
Gillibrand, John, Disabled Church - Disabled Society (2010) Jessica Kingsley
Hull, John M. et al, Disability: The Inclusive Church Resource (2014)
Darton Longman and Todd review
Hull, John M., In the Beginning there Was Darkness (2001) SCM
Lewis, C. S. The Problem of Pain (1940)
McCloughry, Roy, The Enabled Life: Christianity in a Disabling World (2013) SPCK
Mann, Rachel, Dazzling Darkness: Gender, Sexuality, Illness and God (2012)
Wild Goose Publications
Nouwen, Henri, Adam: God's Beloved (1997) Darton, Longman and Todd
Nouwen, Henri, The Wounded Healer (1972) Doubleday
Phelps-Jones, T., Making Church Accessible to All: Including Disabled People in Church Life (2013), Bible Reading Fellowship
Reinders, Hans, Receiving the Gift of Friendship: Profound Disability, Theological Anthropology and Ethics (2008) Grand Rapids
Reynolds, T. E., Vulnerable Communion: A Theology of Disability and Hospitality (2008) Grand Rapids
Swinton, John, Spirituality and Mental Health Care (2001) Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Temple, Gordon and Ball, Lin, Enabling Church (2012) SPCK
Vanier, Jean and Hauerwas, Stanley, Living Gently in a Violent World (2010) Ltd
Vanier, Jean, Swinton, John et al, Mental Health: The Inclusive Church Resource
(2014) Darton Longman and Todd
Yong, Amos, The Bible, Disability and the Church (2011), Eerdmans
Young, Frances, Arthur's Call: A Journey of Faith in the Face of Severe Learning Disability (2014) SPCK
Websites and Blogs
Churches for All
Deaf Church
Disability and Jesus
Go! Sign
Inclusive Church
L'Arche Communities
Signs of God
Through the Roof
Torch Trust
Included by grace
Kay Morgan-Gurr - Musings of a Kid's Worker
Naomi Jacobs - Uncovering the Roof
Pam's Perambulation
Tanya Marlow - Thorns and Gold
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